Electric Vehicles Charging Infrastructure (EVCI) is designed to allow users to stay on top of all developments in the EVCI space and create their own charging infrastructure siting study

What’s New?

What’s New?

Electric vehicles and the charging infrastructure

need to go hand-in-hand to achieve faster adoption


Recent Work

We developed a modelling framework to understand the EVCI charging locations considering traffic demand management, spatial planning, electricity grid interactivity and revenue potential.






E-learning Modules

The three part e-learning modules will cover Indian and international experiences in setting up EVCI, take the learner from theory to practice on siting EVCI with real world examples of cities and demonstrate how to use the siting tool on the website.

The modules have been developed by MP Ensystems Advisory Pvt. Ltd., with CESL and Electric Mobility Initiative as knowledge partners.


EVCI Ecosystem Partners

Meet Our Team

Our Location

Ground Floor, Dwaraka, Pushpadhanwa Society, M. M. Malaviya Road, Mulund (West), Mumbai 400080 INDIA